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The Forbidden: A Huntress Novel (The Huntress Series Book 1) Page 2

  The science lab had work benches, computers for data collection and analysis, microscopes, everything that you would need to work on experiments could be found right here. To the left of me were glass windows showing hospital beds in the spacious room. I have had my fair share of spending time in the hospital wing and I try to prevent a visit to the doctors every time I step out of the manor to go hunt.

  A brunette was laying in one of the beds with a breathing tube going through her neck.

  “What happened to her?”

  “That’s Marley, her body reacted badly to the change. She is having a difficult time breathing on her own.”

  Doctor Johnson, ran his hand through his strawberry blonde hair as he read Marley’s monitors, while Dr. Reed changed her I.V. bags.


  I turned and stumbled backward as a petite, auburn ran into my arms.

  “I haven’t seen your face in quite a while.” Livi said.

  “I try to avoid any scathing as much as possible so I don’t have to spend my time in a hospital bed. I get antsy when I can’t hunt.”

  “Well that’s certainly no excuse to not come visit us.” My Uncle Nolan said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

  “And distract you guys from your latest experiment?”

  My Uncle Nolan was my mother’s brother, he moved into the manor when my father hired him after he formed our society. My Uncle Nolan and Livi are scientists, who in my opinion are way too obsessed with experiments and spend night and day in the lab. But that obsession paid off when they invented the S.H. 47, a light blue liquid that every hunter and huntress in this manor had to take in order to join our society of reapers. The S.H.-47 is similar to venom, but it doesn’t kill your body or make you immortal.

  If your body is able to handle the change, you will obtain super human powers. Your body grows excessively strong and agile. This liquid that they made allows us to go up against an immortal and actually have a chance at beating them. We have something that a human hunter could never have, and that is the ability to outwit and overpower a strong vampire. Not only does the S.H. 47 give us superhero abilities, but it also changes our eye color. When we are in battle, our eyes turn orange, the same color of a tiger’s fur.

  Owen grabbed my arm and directed me toward the right side of the room, where a red door was closed.

  “Your father can be a very impatient man. Wouldn’t want you to get in trouble for not being punctual.”

  I exhaled. “Well I have a few words for him myself anyway.”

  “Words that I advise you to keep to yourself, Ms. Bram, he will lock you in your room if you get snippy.”

  “He can try to confine me to my room; it won’t work when I can always break down my door.”

  He chuckled as he shook his head. “You are always so challenging.”

  The sound of a tattoo gun turned on as Owen opened the door and I walked inside the manor’s tattoo room. An auburn male with broad shoulders and an impressive physique sat in a black chair, while an older dark haired man who had specs of grey in his beard and hair listened to rock music as he worked on the guy’s arm.

  My father stood in the corner with his arms folded as he gazed upon me.

  Ignoring his stare, I moved closer to the guy observing his new tattoo. He was getting the same tattoo every hunter and huntress was required to get. It was of a Grim Reaper whose black hood was up and he was bowing his head, hiding his face. His skeleton hand was clutching his scythe.

  “Athena, this is our newest recruit, Brody.” My father said.

  Brody’s soft blue eyes gazed up at me as he smiled and held his hand out.

  I returned the smile as I shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, rookie.”

  He looked me up and down. “So, you are Athena Bram.”

  I shrugged. “In the flesh.”

  “I’ve heard a lot of stories about you, most of them good.”

  I chuckled. “Then I should know who told you the bad stories.” Isaac and Cameron.

  “You weren’t what I expected. Surely someone as pretty as you are couldn’t really be the top ranked fighter of all the huntresses,” He winked.

  “You’re flirting with me, that’s cute, but you’re a part of our society now and I don’t date the boys who live at the manor. I will not consider dating you no matter how much you throw your charm my way.”

  He laughed, showing his straight white teeth. “Feisty little thing, that’s hot.”

  He obviously didn’t see my father as a threat since he openly showed that he was attracted to me and interested.

  “Where is your tattoo?” Brody asked.

  I turned and pulled down my leather jacket from my shoulder, showing a tattoo of the same Grim Reaper he was now being marked with. Our tattoos have a strong meaning.

  It is said that the reaper goes around and collects the souls that have been newly departed from their body. In some cases, the reaper causes the victim’s death. The victim can be bribed, tricked, or even outwitted so the reaper can retain their life.

  My father’s society of hunters and huntresses are similar to the Grim Reaper, we hunt down the undead, kill them, and send their evil souls back to hell.

  This is why we refer to ourselves as the reapers. The Grim Reaper is death and death is what we bring to the immortals.

  The reaper tattoo is laced with one of my Uncle Nolan’s and Livi’s experiments. The power in the tattoo warns us when a vampire is near by making the tattoo sting. This also begins the transition into a reaper by bringing the super strength to the surface. Once this is in motion, our eyes change and adrenaline surges through our bodies. The only other ways the reaper side in us can come out is if we are seething in rage, or if the reaper in us sees someone other than a vampire as a threat, it will come out ready to


  “So you wanted to speak with me?” I said as I looked at my father.

  “Why must you make a scene every time Cameron is around?” He scowled.

  I shrugged. “It’s fun and the fact that she hates my guts makes it even more pleasurable.”

  “It’s embarrassing. I told you once before to drop the comments, you must get along with Isaac and by doing that you have to leave his girlfriend alone.”

  “Why?” I asked sternly.

  “Because he is one of our best fighters and I will not lose him because my daughter doesn’t know how to act around him. Do me a favor and get back together with him, it will make my life less stressful.”

  “No thanks.” I grumbled.

  “Yeah, I agree with Athena.” Brody interjected.

  My lips twitched into a smile. “You only agree with me because you think you have a chance with me.”

  “Brody, stay out of my conversation!” My father growled.

  Brody’s grin disappeared as he scowled down at the floor and cleared his throat. “Sorry Sir.”

  “Think about it, Athena. You and Isaac are the best fighters I have. You two get married, and I leave you both the family business when I die. You will be one powerful couple and no one will be able to touch you, they will fear you instead.”

  It is always the same with my father. He tries to pressure me into doing things that I don’t want to do. He doesn’t even see that I am beginning to hate him, he is either oblivious or he is deliberately ignoring the strain in our relationship.

  “You should fear me right about now.” I mumbled.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and glared his way. I was growing impatient with him and I knew that if I didn’t walk away from him soon I would snap and there would be no chance of simmering down my boiling blood.

  I looked down at Brody, whose once humorous, playful face turned serious as he looked at both me and my dad.

  “Even you can see it.” I said to Brody.

  He nodded, but remained tight-lipped. Sympathy filled his brown eyes, but I didn’t want his pity…I didn’t want anyone’s pity. I could handle my dad.

  My dad’s d
ark eyebrows pulled together as he frowned. “See what?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I am not going to marry Isaac because I no longer love him.

  You can try to convince me or bribe me all you want, but the answer will always be no. I decide who I will spend the rest of my life with, not you.”

  He scoffed. “Love? You don’t need to love him.”

  “Okay, I am finished here.” I turned and walked away, slamming the door closed as I exited the room.

  Chapter Three

  My heart was in a frenzy as I ran deeper into the woods. Branches slapped against my face, leaving small cuts on my skin. I pressed my lips together, ignoring my stinging face as I ran after a tall, blonde haired vampire. I gripped my morning star mace tightly in my hand, ready to drive it’s sharp spikes into his face.

  I could hear him snicker as he jumped on a large rock and leaped into the air grasping onto a thick tree branch as he swung himself to the next tree. I growled as he made light of the situation, obviously thinking I wasn’t a threat. His playful games will cost him his life in the end because I am not someone he should underestimate. My lips curled into a smile at that thought.

  I came to a stop as I watched him climb a tall tree in a haste. Looking down at the long, thick tree root that stuck out of the ground, I grabbed hold of the root and pulled, forcing the tree to tip over. The vampire fell to the ground, rolling out of the way as the tree came crashing down beside him. I could hear my group, Eli, Isaac, and Aubrey shouting and fighting nearby as they handled their own vampires.

  The vampire stood and dusted the dirt off of his pants as he smirked.

  “You are a clever girl.”

  I threw my mace at his head, his eyes widened as he ducked covering his head while my weapon flew passed him and stabbed into a nearby tree.

  “Is that all you got?”

  I narrowed my eyes and ran his way. He smirked as his eyes lit up as if he was anticipating this all along and was pleased with my actions. He took off running in my direction, both of us panting as the distance between us faded.

  I gasped as our bodies smacked into each other and we both fell backward on the ground. Ignoring my aching body, I pushed myself up from the ground and grasped his shirt, yanking him to his feet. I threw him backward, but as he went flying through the air he did a backflip and landed on his feet.

  I fought to keep my balance as the ground shook from his feet colliding with the earth’s hard surface. He came after me once more and I jerked my leg forward attempting to kick him, but he grasped my ankle and shoved me to the ground.

  He bared his fangs as I dug my nails deep into his neck. Bringing my knee up, I hit him in the groin. He grunted in pain as I pressed my foot into his stomach, grabbed his shirt and flipped him over top of me. Standing on my feet, I grabbed his hair and yanked his head from his body.

  I gasped as the wind was knocked out of me and I landed on my back with a vampire straddling me, holding me down. He had medium, length brown hair that fell into his eyes.

  I grunted and pressed my lips together as I tried my hardest to shove him off of me, but he didn’t budge. He grabbed my wrists, pinning them beside my head. My eyes blurred as the adrenaline rush faded, as the reaper side of me disappeared, leaving me unprotected against the enemy.

  His breath touched my face, sending tingles throughout my body as desire pulled deep inside of me. He gazed into my eyes, taking my breath away as I got lost in a sea of aquamarine.

  “Those eyes…I have seen them before.”

  His dark eyebrows pulled together as he shook his head. “You killed my friend,” He said sternly.

  He had the most breathtaking eyes. His scent and looks were alluring, but deadly for me. He had wielded some type of lovesick power over me that I had lost sight of who he was. He was a vampire and my enemy, the attraction I felt for him was unwelcome. As I came crashing back down to reality, I desperately tried to shake the strong feelings I felt for him away. I wanted to hate him and usually with any other immortal it was so simple to do, but this one was different. I didn’t have it in my heart to hate him.

  I tried to pull my wrists from his grasp, but he tightened his hold. I winced as his strong hands left my wrists aching in pain.

  “Let go of me!” I demanded.

  “You are powerless against me.”

  I had no idea why I was powerless against him. This situation has only ever happened in my dreams… he couldn’t be the guy from my dreams, I refuse to believe that.

  “If you were wise you would finish me. I am an easy kill for you now.”

  “Trust me if I had any intentions in killing you, you would already be dead.”

  He released me and stood as he held his hand out for me to take. Dumbfounded I stared at his outstretched hand, then met his gaze. Why on earth would he want to help me to my feet?

  “You’re just going to let me go?”


  I stood up on my own, wiping the dirt from my ripped up jeans. “Why won’t you kill me?”

  I could hear my group nearby; their footsteps grew closer to where I was. The vampire looked around nervously as paranoia set in. He heard them coming also.

  “So inquisitive. Why do you have so many questions? Shouldn’t you just be grateful that I am sparing your life?”

  “I just don’t understand why you won’t kill me when I am your enemy.”

  “I can’t.”

  I exhaled in exasperation. “But why?”

  He glared and turned and his head in the direction my group was coming from.

  “Well it looks like I will have to answer that question another time.”

  A hint of longing sparkled in his eyes as he gazed at me and smiled. He then turned and ran off into the night.

  The reaper side in me knew that his longing was only for my blood, but my heart knew differently. I affected him the same way he affected me and I knew that look in his eyes was so much more than him lusting for my blood.

  I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair. He already has plans to find me and see me again and I wish he wouldn’t. He makes me feel certain emotions that I am forbidden to feel for his kind and it would be best if I never see him again. That vampire is bad news and I cannot let myself fall for him.

  Isaac came running toward me panting with a look of dread and worry drawn out on his face.

  “What is it?” I said in a panic.

  “It’s Eli, he is hurt.”

  I gasped and held onto my chest as sorrow flooded my heart.

  “No,” I breathed.

  To think that my childhood friend was hurt and could very well be dying shattered my heart. Hunters and huntresses die every day but I just couldn’t accept the fact that I might lose a great friend tonight.

  “We have to help him!” I cried as I wiped my fallen tears.

  With one last look at the direction the vampire went in, I took off with Isaac to help Eli.


  Isaac rushed into the hospital wing with a beaten and bloody Eli lying in his arms.

  I grabbed Dr. Reed’s arm, turning her around. “Help him, please!” I cried.

  Her eyes widened as she rushed to Eli’s side and began examining his injuries.

  I backed away and stood by the door, balling my fists. Not knowing the outcome left me helpless and nervous.

  “What happened to him?” Dr. Reed asked.

  Isaac turned his gaze to Aubrey. “She was with him when I left.”

  Aubrey stood in the corner with her arms folded over her bloody white shirt.

  “I wasn’t with him when it happened. I found him lying on the ground.”

  I pointed to her shirt. “Are you cut?”

  “No, it’s his blood.”

  Aubrey ran her hand through her unkempt auburn hair. Eli’s blood stained her hands and arms. I took in her slim figure and ripped up clothing, she must have been in one hell of a fight tonight. She is a quiet little thing and sweet as candy, which is why I find myse
lf underestimating her ability to kill.

  The tattoo gun suddenly went off, startling me, but that scare soon faded and was replaced with anger and disbelief as I saw Cameron in the chair getting marked with the reaper tattoo. The last thing I wanted was Isaac’s girlfriend to become one of us and live here at the manor. I won’t be too thrilled if I have to see her face around the manor all the time. I honestly don’t think I will have the patience to tolerate her. This was like a nightmare actually coming true.

  My jaw tensed as I gritted my teeth and my nostrils flared from the anger I tried my hardest to keep under control.

  “What the hell, Isaac!”

  His brows raised as he glanced at me, then looked at Cameron. “Oh, she is one of us now. I meant to tell you, but I guess it slipped my mind.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Slipped your mind?” I exhaled and shook my head.

  “She has no business here; she doesn’t even know how to fight!”

  He crossed his arms and pinned me with an icy glare. “I have been training her, she is doing perfectly fine.”

  I smirked. “Let her go up against me, then you will see how perfectly fine her skills are.”

  He closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “I have a better idea, why don’t you keep her as your own personal masseuse instead, then maybe you wouldn’t be so stressed.”

  “Why don’t you two just play nice and I won’t be forced to get my own personal masseuse for my stress relief.”

  “Well, if she makes me miserable I will gladly reciprocate the feeling, and if I make her life a living hell, then your life will be a living hell also.”

  He scowled. “Athena,” He warned.

  I smiled sweetly. “Goodnight, Isaac.”

  “I mean it, play nice,” He called out to me as I waited for the elevator.

  I couldn’t wait to get out of the basement. I was a woman on a mission and I was eager as ever to see my father. I had to stop Cameron from becoming a huntress, but I knew convincing my father would be complicated especially since I know he only allowed Cameron to join our society because of Isaac.